Healthcare Information
Management System

Hospital Information Management System

Hindeke HIMS is the most versatile Hospital information Management Solutions present in the market to help you boost your business growth.

Fully Automated Water Utility Billing Information Management System

Discover the best Water Utility Billing Information Management System trusted by many water utilities nation wide. Streamline your business processes with precision and ease! Our system ensures efficient management for smoother operations and satisfied customers.

Basin Information Management and Decision Support System

Basin Information Management and Decision Support System

A system designed to facilitate the process of planning, developing, and managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity and quality, across all water uses. Additionally, the system supports to model the optimal allocation of water resources, determine the water balance, climate conditions and water quality by watershed or basin level users of the system.

Information System

Market Information System

A system designed to support marketing decision making,  in which marketing data is formally gathered, stored, analysed and distributed to managers and the public in accordance with their informational needs on a regular basis.